The Toward Wholeness Podcast is for anyone longing for a better way forward but has struggled to find that path. Join Richard Dahlstrom and Abby Odio for conversations that expose the shortcomings of religion, examine the way of Christ, and offer clear steps toward the life we were created to live.

Sunday May 03, 2020
A Life Worth Living: Interview with Jim Wellman
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Jim Wellman, prolific author, and professor at the University of Washington's "Jackson School of International Studies" talks about the surprisingly positive discoveries he made about Megachurches in America, and what those discoveries might mean as we seek to live purposeful lives.

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Wholeness & Disruption at Home: Interview with Kelsie Crozier
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
While raising children brings great joy to the parents, it can be overwhelming and discouraging—especially during a global pandemic. Join host Richard Dahlstrom as he interviews writer, dietitian, wife, and mom Kelsie Crozier as they discuss the challenges of finding wholeness amidst major disruptions at home. For more about Kelsie, including wonderful recipes and encouraging parenting tips and practices, visit kelsieskitchen.com.

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Ancient Paths
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Up until the very recent history of humankind, breaking free from the regular demands of everyday life for a focused experience in the wild was a normal part of being human. Such times are profoundly transformative. Host Richard Dahlstrom discusses with guest John Wayne Seitzler about a new “Ancient Paths” offering that meets this deep need, and how spirit, soul, and body wholeness is pursued by these experiences, which are common throughout the Biblical story.

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Finding Hope Amidst Crisis
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Hope, healing, and wholeness: all essential elements to fully live into the life for which we were created. Amidst crisis, however, these characteristics are difficult to find—in our own lives, and in the world around us. In this episode, Richard Dahlstrom and Abby Odio navigate what moving toward wholeness looks like in the middle of this season of isolation and loss.