The Toward Wholeness Podcast is for anyone longing for a better way forward but has struggled to find that path. Join Richard Dahlstrom and Abby Odio for conversations that expose the shortcomings of religion, examine the way of Christ, and offer clear steps toward the life we were created to live.

Friday Nov 06, 2020
Evolution of Calling: Interview with Charles Moore
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
What does it mean to be called to a completely new way of living? Join host Richard Dahlstrom as he interviews teacher, pastor, and author Charles Moore about his decision to follow God's calling on his life to live in a Bruderhof Community.
Charles, with his wife, lives in a Bruderhof Hous Community in Denver, Colorado. A former professor of philosophy, Charles is a teacher, pastor, and a contributing editor and author for Plough Publishing. He is co-editor of the Blumhardt Source Series, and his published works include Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People, Provocations: Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard, and Everyone Belongs to God, a collection of writings by Christoph Blumhardt on gospel witness. Charles regularly blogs, and his book on the Sermon on the Mount will be coming out in Fall, 2021. Charles is actively involved with the Nurturing Communities Network, and he enjoys playing with children, hiking in the mountains, and making friends with those on the margins of society.

Friday Oct 16, 2020
Second Chances: Interview with Amy King
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
What does it look like to build your life and business around second chances, restoration, and reintegration? Join host Richard Dahlstrom as he interviews business owner and non-profit founder Amy King. Amy is the owner and CEO of Pallet, a Seattle based Social Purpose Corporation striving to improve people's lives while also being a successful and profitable company. They are second-chance friendly; hiring and investing in people actively engaged in recovery and reintegration. She and her husband, Brady King, also started Square Peg Development in 2014 which led them to hire previously incarcerated individuals. As they heard the stories and struggles of their employees, they became passionate about removing barriers to re-entry and sought to provide an opportunity for more individuals in transition. In 2016, they founded Weld Seattle, a non-profit corporation geared toward removing barriers to employment, housing and supportive community for individuals actively engaged in re-entry. Amy has a degree in Psychology and spent most of her career in Healthcare Administration, with a focus on managing large surgical practices. This business experience prepared her for the opportunity of owning and operating her current companies while fulfilling her dream of working for a company that is both people focused and profitable.

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Letting Go: Learning to Grieve Well
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Can grief and lament be a good thing in our lives? Join host Richard Dahlstrom and his guest, Pastor and friend Dave Burns, as they discuss the importance of "grieving well" in the midst of severe loss.
Dave is the Director of Adult Ministries at Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center in California. Prior to joining the Mount Hermon team in 2006, he was in pastoral ministry as a Worship Pastor and Men's Ministry Pastor for 17 years.

Friday Aug 07, 2020
Young Adults & The Church: Interview with Jeff Keuss
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
What are young adults looking for in a church? Why are young adults seemingly leaving the church at higher rates than previous generations? Join host Richard Dahlstrom and he discusses these questions with author, professor, and theologian Dr. Jeff Keuss. In addition to being the Professor of Christian Ministry, Theology, and Culture at Seattle Pacific University, and an ordained PCUSA minister, Jeff is also the Executive Director of Pivot Northwest. Pivot Northwest identifies local PNW faith communities to work with, helping them better understand the experiences of young adults and working with them to design, launch, and evaluate new ministries.
Find out more about the incredible work Pivot Northwest is doing online.

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Finding Your Calling: Interview with Chi-Dooh "Skip" Li
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
All of us have a calling in life, but it can be difficult, even discouraging, to discover it. Join host Richard Dahlstrom as he discusses the vital subject of "calling" with the AV Preeminent Lawyer and founder of Agros International Chi-Dooh "Skip" Li. Early in his career, Skip was deeply involved in politics, and from 1973 to 1976 served as legal counsel to Washington Governor Dan Evans. After that experience, Skip returned to Seattle, WA, and founded the ELM Law Firm in January 1977, intent on building a first-class law firm made up of men and women who cared deeply about clients, each other, and their city. Li also founded Agros International in 1984 to help break the cycle of poverty and create paths to prosperity for farming families in rural Latin America. You can find out more about Agros at agros.org.

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
An Evolving Faith: Interview with Rob Whittaker
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
What does it really mean to grow in Christ? Join host Richard Dahlstrom as he discusses "an evolving faith" with Pastor and Bible professor Rob Whittaker.
Rob served as Senior Pastor of Calvary Christian Fellowship, a church he and his wife planted in 1974 in Lostock Hall, a small mill town to the south of Preston. In 1998 Rob joined the Capernwray Missionary Fellowship of Torchbearers and in 2001 became Principal of Capernwray Bible School. Rob officially “retired” in June 2017, but preaches extensively throughout Europe in churches, Bible schools and conferences, and his travels have taken him on numerous occasions to Australia, Canada, and the U.S. He and his wife Barbara have two children, Zoe and Abi. They also have two delightful grandchildren, Evie and Will, who regularly mentor them without even realizing it!
Find more of Rob's teachings on Capernwray's YouTube Channel.

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Mentoring Urban Students: An Interview with Rick Newell
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Rick Newell is the founder of Mentoring Urban Students and Teens (MUST), a professional mentoring organization dedicated to serving young black males in Seattle, WA. MUST believes that in most cases black youth are best served by positive black role models. MUST hires and professionally trains black male college students to mentor black youth truly vulnerable to dropping out of high school and/or becoming involved with the justice system. Prior to working at MUST, Rick worked 7 years at an inner-city Boys & Girls Club after walking away from a promising career in technology. Rick and his wife, Rebecca, both work full time for MUST and live in the Rainier Valley. They have four sons and are educating their kids with a combo of public school and home school. The Newells attend Evergreen Covenant Church. Rick is also a Rotarian with the Mercer Island Rotary Club.
Find out more about MUST at www.mentoringisamust.org.

Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Convicted Civility: Interview with Dr. Richard Mouw
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
How can we practice civility while holding onto our convictions in such a hostile and divided world? Join hosts Richard Dahlstrom and Abby Odio as they interview Dr. Richard Mouw, Professor of Faith and Public Life at Fuller Theological Seminary. Dr. Mouw served as school president at Fuller Theological Seminary for twenty years, he earned his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, and before joining the Fuller faculty in 1985, he taught philosophy at Calvin College for seventeen years. Dr. Mouw has written numerous books, including Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility in an Uncivil World, and most recently, Restless Faith. He serves on the boards of Dordt University and Biologos.

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Faith & Science: Interview with Ben McFarland
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Join host Richard Dahlstrom and Biochemist, professor, and author Dr. Ben McFarland as they discuss the ways science can point us to a deeper understanding of God. For more information about Dr. McFarland, subscribe to his YouTube channel where he covers recent topics on science and faith.

Wednesday May 13, 2020
What You're Made For: Interview with Kendy Easley
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Questions like "why am I here?" or "what is the purpose of my life?" can be challenging to navigate. Hosts Richard Dahlstrom and Abby Odio interview pastor, wife, mother, and Design Your Life Coach Kendy Easley discussing ways to find the life you were created to live.